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MENSTRUAL PAIN Prostaglandins are chemicals a woman's body produces that cause many of the symptoms associated with menstrual discomfort. The tissue that lines the uterus makes these chemicals. Prostaglandins stimulate the uterine muscles to contract. Women who have high levels of prostaglandin experience more intense contractions of their uterus and more pain. Prostaglandins may also be responsible for vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches that accompany painful periods.
WOMEN ALTERNATIVE HERBAL MEDICINE Pain from the urinary system can indicate such conditions as cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), inflammation of the collecting system of one or both kidneys (pyelonephritis), kidney stones or tumors..... WOMEN MENSTRUAL PAIN HERBAL MEDICINE Menstrual cramps are sharp pains in a woman's lower abdomen that occur when her menstrual period begins and may continue for 2-3 days. Symptoms can range in severity from a mild annoyance to severe pain that interferes with normal activities. WOMEN PELVIC INFLAMMATORY HERBAL MEDICINE Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is infection of a woman's reproductive organs. Infection spreads upward from the cervix to the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and surrounding structures. WOMEN HEAVY PERIODS HERBAL MEDICINE For most women, menstrual periods are a simple fact of life. But for women who suffer from heavy bleeding, called menorrhagia, there is nothing simple about it. Heavy periods can be uncomfortable and disruptive to many women's lives, as they often cause women to rearrange their schedules around their period, limit participation in favorite activities, constantly wear dark clothing, and/or cope with pain and fatigue. WOMEN BREAST CANCER HERBAL MEDICINE The breasts are made of fat, glands, and connective (fibrous) tissue. The breast has several lobes, which are divided into lobules and end in the milk glands. Tiny ducts run from the many tiny glands, connect together, and end in the nipple. Breast cancer is cancer arising in breast tissue. Cancer is simply a group of abnormal cells that have abnormal growth patterns.... WOMEN HERBAL MEDICINE MENOPAUSE Menopause is a natural biological process, not a medical illness. Although it's associated with hormonal, physical and psychosocial changes in your life, menopause isn't the end of your youth or of your sexuality. Several generations ago, few women lived beyond menopause. Today, you may spend as much as half of your life after menopause. WOMEN HERBAL MEDICINE INFERTILITY Infertility is the inability of a couple to become pregnant (regardless of cause) after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse (using no birth control methods). WOMEN SLIMMING HERBAL MEDICINE The term underweight refers to a human who is considered to be under a healthy weight. The definition is usually made with reference to the body mass index (BMI). Most consider individuals under 18.5 to be underweight, though some authorities use a higher value of 20. It is important to note that the BMI is a statistical estimate and some individuals classified as underweight may be perfectly healthy. WOMEN MIGRAINE HERBAL MEDICINE Migraine is a throbbing and normally intense headache in one half of the head. It can affect people of all age. The blood vessels in the brain dilatation and draw together with stimulation of nerves near the blood vessels...WOMEN ABDOMEN PAIN HERBAL MEDICINE Abdominal pain can range from mild stomach ache to severe acute pain. The pain is usually nonspecific and can be caused by a variety of conditions. Many organs are found within the abdominal cavity. Sometimes the pain is directly related to a specific organ such as the bladder or ovary.
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